
Themes of ‘Archaic’ #2: Art and War

When curating the exhibition ‘Archaic’ for the Iraq Pavilion, curators Tamara Chalabi and Paolo Colombo selected themes within the archaic that are the precursor to any civilization. Among these, is the theme of war. While two of the participating artists at the Pavilion addressed war and conflict, here we highlight recent work by lesser-known Iraqi…

‘Art and Politics’: August Cartoon

The Baghdad-based caricaturist Khudair Alhimyari has drawn ‘Art and Politics’, a new cartoon series for the month of August, commissioned by the Ruya Foundation. The Beautiful Paintings Politician: Beautiful Paintings… Politician: …but frankly, I prefer paintings that are exhibited outside of galleries, on the streets and in public squares Politician: …they can be admired by…